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The Power of Singing
“An aid to learning”
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Last week we talked about the
healing power of singing. Can singing also improve brain function in healthy
A major focus of Dr.
Aniruddh D. Patel’s research at Tufts University is the music-language
relationships in the brain, specifically prediction—the ability to anticipate
what comes next. Prediction, long a topic of research in the perception of
music, has become a growing focus in language processing.
Leonard Meyer wrote in
his 1956 book, Emotion and Meaning in Music, the “fulfilling or
thwarting” of expectations is a principal source of music’s emotional power.
B. Meyer
Similarly, David Huron
in his 2006 Sweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Expectation,
shows how common musical devices (syncopation, cadence, meter, and climax)
exploit basic psychological mechanisms of expectation.
Steven Mosier, music
theory professor at Rio Hondo College says, “Music is teleological,” it moves
toward an end goal. Kelsey Menehan, in his article on Dr. Patel, notes, “Researchers
have found that successfully anticipating the outcome of a particular musical
phrase can trigger positive feelings—even more so if the gratifying outcome is
delayed by a slower tempo or another compositional technique.”
The ability to predict
what comes next is also central
to the way we experience language. “When you are listening to people talk, you
don’t just passively soak in information,” Patel says, “you are implicitly
predicting the words that people are going to say next. That can help in
understanding people in noisy environments or where things are slightly
To explore the
music-language connection, Patel and his team conducted experiments in which
subjects listen to pairs of sentences and pairs of melodies, one of each pair
leading to strong prediction and the other not. During the experiment, they
measured electrical activity in the brain through sensors attached to the
subject’s heads.
1) When the two met, one
of them held out his _______.
2) When the two met, one
of them brought his _______.
The first sentence leads to a strong prediction: most people use
the word “hand” to complete it. In the second sentence, people vary in the word
they use to complete the thought.
The first melody ends with an implied authentic cadence, and so leads to a strong prediction. Most subjects sing the tonic (D) as a continuation of this melody. The second melody does not lead to a strong prediction.
Patel asks, “If you are
musically trained, are you better at predicting what’s coming up next in a
sentence?” he asks. He posits, “If children who are learning to read are good
predictors of upcoming information in sentences they may be able to more
quickly integrate the words they encounter and become more efficient readers.”
Patel formed his OPERA
hypothesis: Singing and musical training benefit language skills under the
following conditions:
Overlap: There is anatomical
overlap in the brain networks that process an acoustic feature used in both
music and speech
Precision: In terms of the precision
of processing, music places higher demands on these shared networks than does
Emotion: The musical activities
that engage this network elicit strong positive emotion
Repetition: The musical activities that engage this network
are frequently repeated
Attention: The musical activities
that engage this network are associated with focused attention
The OPERA hypothesis accounts for the observed
superior subcortical encoding of speech in musically trained individuals, and
suggests mechanisms by which musical training might improve linguistic reading
On another front, Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov demonstrated the effect of sound therapy on learning capacity. He found that when people listened to Baroque music, such as the compositions of Bach and Vivaldi, learning capacity improved significantly.
On another front, Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov demonstrated the effect of sound therapy on learning capacity. He found that when people listened to Baroque music, such as the compositions of Bach and Vivaldi, learning capacity improved significantly.
Georgi Lozanov
Psychologists speculate that music puts students in a heightened emotional state, making them more receptive to information. Further, a number of recent academic studies demonstrate that classical music benefits the sleep patterns, the immune system and stress levels--all helpful when facing those final exams!
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