Saturday, November 29, 2014

Destination . . . Chorale Bel Canto

            By Linda de Vries

“Destination . . . Chorale Bel Canto” offers ideas for a day trip to the city in which we’re singing, with a Chorale Bel Canto concert at the center of your experience.

Whittier is the place to be on December 6.


Begin your day at the 9th annual
Christmas Boutique and Breakfast with Santa
at Chorale Bel Canto’s new rehearsal home,
Trinity Lutheran Church and School, 11716 Floral Drive.

Afternoon 1-3 p.m.

Head for the Whittier Museum at 6755 Newlin Avenue
The opening of the new Doll Exhibit and Christmas on the Prairie,
a program of Holiday stories with Laura IngalIs Wilder,
 played by Judith Helton
 The program is free. Call 562-945-3871 for information.
 Or, head to uptown Whittier for some fantastic holiday shopping!

Afternoon 4:00 p.m.

 Go to the First Friends Church on Philadelphia Street
for Chorale Bel Canto’s Christmas in Brass!

If you choose to attend the evening performance at 7:30 p.m.,
you can enjoy tasty Italian food and support CBC
as you have lunch or dinner before the concert.

When you dine at Ciao Italia today and present this flyer,
Ciao Italia will donate 20% of proceeds to Chorale Bel Canto!


If you attend the 4:00 p.m. performance of Christmas in Brass,
have a bite at Ciao Italia after the concert.
Then, walk the streets of Whittier as you shop and participate in the Holiday Sonata.

If you prefer to shop online,
you can support the Chorale by shopping via Amazon Smile.
Just google “Amazon Smile” and register.
AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to CBC.

You can also help the Chorale if you shop at Ralphs.
Sign up for the Ralphs Community Rewards program online at and choose Chorale Bel Canto, or print this barcode and have it scanned at the checkout counter.

Happy Holidays to all our fans, friends and families!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Chorale Bel Canto
Expresses heartfelt thanks!

In April we received a remarkably generous $50,000 from the Pitts Family Foundation. This inspired us to plan for longevity and design our impact on the future.

In May we invited you to
Come With us Into the Future!

And contribute to our campaign to match $25,000 of that gift by our first concert of the 2014-15 season.

And you did!
Throughout the summer heatwave the temperature continued to rise!

On October 26 H.M.S. Pinafore sailed away with a standing ovation crowd “on shore” clapping through five bows!

The thermometer reached its peak--$25,000 had been raised!

We thank you for helping us honor the Pitts gift and ensure that tomorrow’s generations enjoy the music we all value today.

These gifts enabled us to complete our three-year Strategic Plan, move to our new rehearsal home at Trinity Lutheran Church in Whittier, purchase our very own grand piano, establish a long-term investment fund, increase our professional staff, and mount the delightfully successful production of H.M.S. Pinafore with Opera A La Carte.

The gifts you have made will help us solidify our staffing, partner with other arts groups, such as The Pasadena Civic Ballet and its ArtsPlus branch, which will join us in our May presentation of Gian-Carlo Menotti’s The Unicorn, the Gordon and the Manticore, expand our performance outreach program to new audiences, and begin an educational outreach program.

We thank these loyal supporters!
List of donors from May-October

Your gifts are an investment in your passion for beautiful singing, a belief in the future of Chorale Bel Canto, and hope for the future. They are not just something you give—they are something you entrust. You may rely on us to cherish and nurture them. We honor donors such as you who support the joy we create.